Wednesday, 22 May 2013


A large number of people work from home and you can still do it. In most cases, first time entrepreneurs find it easier to start from home until it blossoms into a big business. Home businesses are increasingly becoming the order of the day globally. And so you should imbibe it in your lifestyle. Even if you are a woman, getting yourself a business from home and meeting up some financial needs becomes very important to augment and possibly take the financial responsibility in case the man goes out of job. I have personally experienced a couple's case where a husband had always kicked against his wife working. The wife was later to convince the husband the need for her to learn Bead making and Tie & Dye (Adire) Craft, which later blossomed into a big business. The husband was later to lose his job and saw him and the home being sustained by the wife with income from her business. I have made clearly 21 Businesses you can start from your home, kitchen or lobby and start making millions of Naira from, while taking care of your kids at home even if you are a man or woman.

1. Bead Making:
Making Beads is one good way to Make Money from home. This is a business anyone can start from home in days. All you need is less than N10,000 and you run it from your home. Buy all the accessories needed such as pliers and beads of various types, learn how to make bead from an expert trainer and start making it yourself. You can start supplying your beads from your home, to friends and relatives as well as people in your church and neighborhood. You can run this from your parlour or bedroom or your balcony.

2. Tie and Dye (Adire):
This has a good potential and any woman or man can start it with less than N10,000. You can start it from your kitchen by getting all the chemicals, buy the clothes and start making it and supplying. You can start marketing your finished clothes to neighbors, friends, and relatives and in churches. You can have people or clients you can supply too or still take it to the market place. This has a good potential as you can export it abroad too.

3. Soap Making:
Because every day, people must clean their homes, offices, wash their clothes and plates, you name it, therefore, there is a very viable potential in soap making business. And you can start this from your home. Make both liquid and bar soaps for your personal use first and go commercial with it. How do you start with this? Learn the trade, start making for your home first and perfect it. Make for friends for test and advice. After then make and supply to your neighborhood stores, friends and relatives until you go fully commercial.

4. Hair Weaving:
Women would weave their hair. Female School children will weave their hair weekly. And so you can start running a weaving service from your home for women and female children. You can render an at-their-home-service where you visit their homes and weave their hair once they call you on phone or you must have already agreed for a particular day of the week when you will be at a particular client's home or when they will be at your own home to make their hair.

5. Business Brokerage:
Business brokerage is a very viable business. People are looking for what to buy and don't know where to buy it. People are also having items and are looking for whom to buy them. For example, if someone wants to sell a used car, you can locate who is looking for a used car to buy and broker the sale. In brokerage, you will have to bring the buyer and seller together and make your commission from sale.

6. Event Management:
Each weekend, there are weddings and various parties of all kind. There are political gatherings, house warming, burials etc. These people may not have the time to arrange and organize these events and so you can come in as an event manager. An event manager manages event. You will be the one to arrange for buses that will convey people to the venue of the event, arrange for the drinks, foods, decorations etc. If it is a wedding event, then you will take up the contract to arrange for the decoration, MC, Venue etc. You are paid to do all of this on contract basis.

7. Ice Block Making and supply:
We all use fridges at home. And we know these days there are no stable power supply from the almighty PHCN. Also, people holding parties need to have their drinks and other stuffs preserved to be cold. Turn your fridge in the house to money by making ice blocks and selling to your neighborhood, and supplying to parties. Start this today and soonest you will be known as being the one running it. You will make unending income from this daily

8. Training and Workshop:
Training and workshop is one steady area for anyone to make money from his/her ideas, expertise, hobby etc. If you know how to make soap, adire, how to tie gele, how to make money with stock investment, etc, then turn it into a seminar or workshop where you can teach people on how to do it. I teach people how to make money on the Internet and how to start and run their business and I make money with it. All you have to do here is to advertise your training with any newspaper or magazine such as "Start Your Own Business Magazine" with a budget of N6.000 and then rent a hall and teach your attendees. You will be surprised that you can make at least N100, 000.00 in two hours. What you need is your phone number where would be attendees will call you on phone as well as your website.

9. Counseling/Advice:
If you know how to counsel people for good, then you can turn it into cash. You can run a business of counseling and advice agency. If for example you advise couples on how to have a healthy relationship for free, then you can do this for money. You can advice people on best ways to get their visa, how to face interviews, how to invest in stock, how to make money etc

10. Knotting of Tie :
This is one area that people have undermined yet, there is big money from this business. A lot of corporate people don't know how to knot their ties and so keep it on the wardrobe once their ties have been knotted. You can make money here from home knotting ties for people on weekly basis and also by teaching them how to knot their ties on their own. You can charge free for one-on-one training.

11. Tying Gele :
This is also one area that is a great money spinner. You see, women tie gele to Churches on Sundays, occasions and to parties every weekend. And most of them don't know how to tie gele the right way. You can make money from home by tying gele for women and also teaching them how to tie gele on their own.

12. Mobile Food Vendor :
There are eateries people can go and eat. Yes, but people must leave their offices to eat in these eateries. Besides, some people will prefer African menu. You can start your business from your home making these foods and packaging them and supplying directly to office workers. They will be happy to see you supply them at their offices and you will start building your client base once you start this. This will be very viable in an office area. All they need to have is your phone number and you also have their phone number to call them and ask them the type of menu they want and when they want it.

13 Thrift Collector :
As thrift collector, you will have to collect daily or weekly contributions from your clients. You can target market women, small business owners and artisans who you visit daily and collect a particular amount of contribution and you save the money on their behalf in your bank account. What you need to have here is your card to keep their record of payment. Here you make money by taking a commission on each contribution. What you need to start is just your registration with CAC, and printing of Membership Record Cards.

14. Beautician/Makeup Artiste:
As a beautician or makeup artiste, you can start dressing artiste and making up people who want to look fine for any occasion for a fee. You can have some on contract basis in which case, you are permanently paid every month and you render your service as and when due.

15. Article Writing:
If you know how to write or have flare for writing, then you could convert it into cash. What you need to do here is to write for magazines who are looking for unique writers in a particular niche or field. If you "know about medicine, then you can write for magazines, online magazines, journals etc for money. You can also run your personal newsletter or journal and write and sell it for money. You can do this locally or globally. Locally, you will need to contact local magazines and newspaper. Globally, you can set up a blog site and start making money with it and you are paid monthly cheques.

16. International Survey:
Companies are ready and interested in. knowing what the perception of their product is and are ready to compensate you for your opinion on their products or services. Some will give gifts while some will give money for this. You can visit the Internet and take online surveys and be paid. You see, there are surveys for Nigerians and there are surveys for other countries. And let me stress this, I have seen a lot of people who pay money to companies to take survey and this is wrong. Let us assume this: If MTN Nigeria want to have your opinion on usage of their network in Nigeria, logic will tell you that they won't ask you to pay money, instead, you will be compensated with credit for your time. Just go online and type "international paid survey" and sign up with them and start taking survey. Note also that surveys that will be given to you will depend on what your background is.

17. Proof Reading:
Proofreading is one of the easiest ways to make money from home with little capital to establish. People who have written their books, their web site content are looking for proofreaders who would proofread and correct their tenses and sentences to be professionally ok for reading. All you need here is just your call cards and advertising on classified ads for your services.

18. Phone Call and Card Sales:
You can establish phone call services and make call from home. You can turn your GSM to a paid phone call and make money from home. You can also start selling recharge cards from your home at a profit.

19. Promotional Items:
A lot of businesses love those catchy little items (pens, key, rings, etc) that feature the company's name on them. Entrepreneurs have discovered that customers like them even more. You can start a business taking orders for these goods and selling them to businesses in your area. Hook up with an advertising specialty that can fulfill the orders for you and you will be on your way to wealth.

20. Apartment Preparers:
The truth is that people who rent apartment or homes could damage the premises or leave them in a rather unkempt state. You can start a business from home by coming to prepare the apartment to fit the next tenant by rendering services in the area of cleaning and straightening up to painting, furniture refinishing and more. Your charge should be hourly in order for you to make good money out of these services.

21. Home Crèche:
Because of the nature of cities like Lagos, Abuja etc not all family have the time to take care of their children since they work. They have to contend with both work and family life and there is pressure at all time. You can establish a crèche from your home where they bring their children and you look after them and teach them until their parents return from work.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

9 ways you can Make Money on Facebook

Making Money from Social Networking Sites Is Quite Easy If We Know or we're are been guided on how to go about it. Most Bloggers make real cash mostly from Social Networking Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest e.t.c... It's Not a New Story that you and me can Generate Real Income from Facebook but for the sakes of people that still don't know how.. We had to compile 9 easy ways to make money on Facebook... Read On...


1. Market Your Own Products If you decide to market a product or service, be sure it is something you stand by and that it resonates with you personally. First, and foremost, Facebook is a social networking platform. If you are selling products that don't appear to resonate with your profile or your mission in life, people will quickly spot you as a marketer and you will not get many people wanting to be your friends. The key is to always market products that you believe in and that   a difference in other people's lives. That way, when they see who is selling an item, it won't reflect badly on you and your Facebook profile. On the Internet you can market your own products at a fraction of the cost it would take to promote them physically from one retail store or outlet to another. Examples of products that do very well on the Internet are virtual products like reports, ebooks, music downloads, photographic content, and anything that you can sell in electronic format that might appeal to someone viewing it online. These products are usually referred to as “info-products.” The nice thing about info-products is that they lend themselves very well to low overhead costs. You can produce one product and it takes no effort to create multiple copies and have them delivered automatically through autoresponders. Your sales cycle is very short and your costs are minimal. You can also market physical products that you deliver in your geographical area or through postal mail. Of course, this takes a lot more effort and you would have to include shipping costs to the price of your product to be able to make a profit. You can even choose to offer your products in several different formats. For instance, maybe some people want the electronic download and others want a physical book.You can offer them a variety of different formats and pricing to find one that suits them. Multilevel marketing can also be done on the Internet and Facebook. If you've found a product that you want to market, then you don't necessarily have to own the rights to produce it, just the rights to distribute it. And,you might find it easier to recruit people in your down line using Facebook.

2.Use Affiliate Marketing :
You can also do affiliate marketing online. This is where someone else pays you to sell their products for them. The commission you receive on the sale will depend on the affiliate offer you are promoting. In some cases, you can get up to 50% of the sale, if you pick the right offers. Here again, you should pick things that resonate with your profile in Facebook. Affiliate marketing links could end up cluttering your profile page, if you included them as website links, and probably people wouldn't appreciate them. So, affiliate marketing on Facebook can be a little tricky. You should be a little stingy with the number of affiliate links you post on your profile or within your status line. This is an area you can update daily with new offers, but if you do it too much, you will turn off people who come to view your profile.
You should also want to start to build a demographic section of people on your email list who are already in your sales funnel from your contacts on Facebook. Once they opt-in to your email list, you can start to contact them about your affiliate offers off the Facebook platform. This means that you might have to also set up some ads within Facebook to generate the cross-section of people that you want to market to. Or, you might start them into your sales funnel by offering a free resource on your profile in exchange for their email address.This way, you've not placed affiliate offers on your profile directly, but you have gathered the necessary information to start generating a mailing list for affiliate offers.
The application to use for affiliate marketing on Facebook is called RadicalBuy.

3.Advertising Revenues :
There are a number of people generating revenue through sponsored ads, Facebook Social Ads, and pay per click ads on Facebook. If you end up with a large cross-section of people are friends that might be easy to market for a particular advertiser, then they might be willing to pay you for some sponsored ads, however, this can't be done on Facebook without violating the terms of the service agreement. So, you can still attempt to get advertising revenues from sponsored ads, but they aren't allowed to be put directly on your Facebook profile. They will have to be placed elsewhere, on your personal website, or an outside blog.
The trick is to have them pay for the ad for a period of time, like a month. Then, you have a residual monthly income coming in from a single text link, banner, or button on your other content. You can direct Facebook viewers to your other areas by way of links on your profile, even if the sponsored link is not directly on your Facebook profile.This can generate significant  income from your Facebook profile in a short period of time by buildingrelationships within Facebook first, before you market them elsewhere.

4.Sell Services :
Facebook can be an excellent resource for professionals who sell services. That's because the Internet has made it very easy for people who need your services to connect with you, regardless of whether you are in their geographical location or not. Add to that the technological advancements that make online consulting and teaching very simple, and you can see that there are quite a few advantages to selling services online. The down side of selling services, instead of products, is that your time is limited. If you don't make good use of the technology available to help distribute yourself over multiple platforms in digital format, you could easily find your profits being limited by the amount of time you have. Some of the ways this dilemma can be resolved is to outsource the smaller tasks, so that you can concentrate on the ones that are highly profitable and need your particular attention.
You can sell many different types of services online, but they should resonate with the persona that you've established on Facebook.

5.Create a Facebook Pages :
Facebook pages are similar to profiles except that they are used for businesses, organizations, and a number of different types of interests. You can expect to see a Facebook page about a restaurant just as easily as you might spot a Facebook page on pets. There are several categories to choose from: a local business, a brand or product, or an artist, band, or public figure. The interesting thing about Facebook pages is that you don't necessarily have to be the celebrity to put up a page about your celebrity. 
The Facebook pages works very similar to profile pages except that they are public. They have some of the same features as your profile page like a Wall and the ability to upload files. They also have discussion groups and and a way for fans to join your Facebook page.
The service is free and promoted virally throughout Facebook and even comes up in the search results. The actions that people take on your Facebook page are also integrated in the news feed and thus your product or service can spread virally through word of mouth. If you use Facebook pages in conjunction with Social Ads, you can increase the chances of your product getting viral momentum. To create a Fan Page, visit this

 6. create a Group :
There are two ways to promote your business using groups. You can join an existing group and join in the discussions and at the right moment promote your product. If you do this too much, you will be labeled a spammer, so it's not the best way to promote your business through a group. Another way, which is very effective, is to create your own group. This provides several benefits to joining an existing group. You can control what segment of your demographics to target with a group topic and you can put up your own advertising in the group without offending anyone.
You don't want to create a group about a specific product or service you are offering. No one is going to join an obvious ploy to market your wares. Instead, you will want to choose a topic related to your products or services and then use the group to help you promote your business. For instant I Created a group in facebook called “Best website Design Tips” and the aim of this group is to promote my service which is  and website hosting,Domain name registration and website design service).Hope you got the gist?

Visit this link to

7.The Wall :

The wall is an area of each person's profile where messages can be posted by other people who are visiting the profile. You can put any message you want on the wall and it will be public. You can use this to research the market trends of people's interests and you can also post some message about things that might interest specific people in your circle of friends. Be aware that if you spam the wall consistently with sales ads, you will probably be blocked, and if the staff of Facebook is alerted you could end up being banned from Facebook. An interesting way to use the power of the wall, is to look for people in your circle who have a high number of page views on their profile. These would be people who have a lot of friends or send a lot of activity to the news feeds. That's the only way to tell what type of page views they might be getting. Then, target these people for your comments on their wall in a way that pulls the people viewing back to your profile.

8.Use Facebook Marketplace Application :
Facebook Marketplace, once installed, will offer you a place to list things for sale, housing, jobs, and classified ads. There is even a spot for free stuff too. The opportunities will be divided up by your networks. So, don't be surprised if you don't see everything on your Facebook from the entire site. It is set up to be a community marketplace, so it makes perfect sense to see only those listings from people in your network. That is why you want to setup your network to be the place where you mostly do business, not where you live. It is the basic area where people within Facebook go to do commerce within Facebook. However, it doesn't complete transactions between buyers and sellers. That is done offline between the two parties.

9.Use Facebook  Garage Sale Application :

If you have a whole lot of stuff lying around that you want to get rid of, and don't want to incur fees for listing them on eBay or some other third-party site, you can use the Garage Sale application. There is a commission charged for any sale that you make, but it is only 5%. It will do transaction processing too and your friends can use credit cards to buy the items from you online. This application is still a bit new, however, some people swear by it and others have some trouble installing it.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

How To Add 3D Rotating Menu In Blogger | Nairotech

 Today, we gon be dishing out a very lovely tutorial on Navigation (Horizontal) menu. After lots of discoveries we packaged this to suit every blogger template which doesn't need a Javascript or Javascript to function. It only needs Html and Css. You might also want to check our previous post on  How To Edit Your Blog Easily With The New Blogger Template Editor
Steps To Add The Widget To Blogger 

Go to your Blogger dashboard
Click Template >> Edit HTML
Then  find ]]></b:skin> Paste the below code just before ]]></b:skin>
        /* 3d Flipping Menu By */
        .block-menu {
            display: block;
            background: #000;

        .block-menu li {
            display: inline-block;

        .block-menu li a {
            color: #fff;
            display: block;
            text-decoration: none;
            font-family: 'Passion One',Arial,sans-serif;
            -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
            -moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
            font-smoothing: antialiased;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            overflow: visible;
            line-height: 20px;
            font-size: 24px;
            padding: 15px 10px;

        /* animation domination */
        .three-d {
            -webkit-perspective: 200px;
            -moz-perspective: 200px;
            perspective: 200px;
            -webkit-transition: all .07s linear;
            -moz-transition: all .07s linear;
            transition: all .07s linear;
            position: relative;

            .three-d:not(.active):hover {
                cursor: pointer;

            .three-d:not(.active):hover .three-d-box,
            .three-d:not(.active):focus .three-d-box {
                -moz-transform: translateZ(-25px) rotateX(90deg);
                -webkit-transform: translateZ(-25px) rotateX(90deg);
                -o-transform: translateZ(-25px) rotateX(90deg);
                transform: translateZ(-25px) rotateX(90deg);

        .three-d-box {
            -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-out;
            -moz-transition: all .5s ease-out;
            -ms-transition: all .5s ease-out;
            -o-transition: all .5s ease-out;
            transition: all .5s ease-out;
            -webkit-transform: translatez(-25px);
            -moz-transform: translatez(-25px);
            -o-transform: translatez(-25px);
            transform: translatez(-25px);
            -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
            -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
            -ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;
            -o-transform-style: preserve-3d;
            transform-style: preserve-3d;
            pointer-events: none;
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            display: block;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;

        .front {
            -webkit-transform: rotatex(0deg) translatez(25px);
            -moz-transform: rotatex(0deg) translatez(25px);
            -o-transform: rotatex(0deg) translatez(25px);
            transform: rotatex(0deg) translatez(25px);

        .back {
            -webkit-transform: rotatex(-90deg) translatez(25px);
            -moz-transform: rotatex(-90deg) translatez(25px);
            -o-transform: rotatex(-90deg) translatez(25px);
            transform: rotatex(-90deg) translatez(25px);
            color: #FFE7C4;

        .front, .back {
            display: block;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            background: black;
            padding: 15px 10px;
            color: white;
            pointer-events: none;
            -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
            box-sizing: border-box;

Save  Template

Head straight to Layout in your Blogger Dashboard >> Select a Gadget (Blog  header section)
Then Select JavaScript/HTML  & paste the below code.

<ul class="block-menu">
<li><a href="#" class="three-d">
<span class="three-d-box"><span class="front">Home</span><span class="back">Home</span></span>
<li><a href="#" class="three-d">
About<span class="three-d-box"><span class="front">About</span><span class="back">About</span></span>
<li><a href="#" class="three-d">
<span class="three-d-box"><span class="front">Services</span><span class="back">Services</span></span>
<li><a href="#" class="three-d">
<span class="three-d-box"><span class="front">Blog</span><span class="back">Blog</span></span>
<li><a href="#" class="three-d">
Create this
<span class="three-d-box"><span class="front">Create this</span><span class="back">Create this</span></span>

Change the highlighted section above

Like our Facebook Fanpage Here:

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Download LiveProfile On your Device, A New Pinging App

Since the emergence of Blackberry Messenger, we've have had several chatting and social applications competing to gain the number one spot. But, its petinent that that the blackberry service still rocks best. Just of recent i had that Blackberry Messenger will likely be made available in our favourite online stores for download on Andriod and Ipones. 

Several of my friends that nursed the thought of selling their Andriod phones to get a Blackberry phone just started nursing a different feeling because Andriod OS is very good with lovely and more Advanced features... I'm sure we all have heard of Whatsapp which was later bought by Google.

We have the likes of 2go messenger, Mozat e.t.c. but, today we will be reviewing a very nice Chat messenger called  LiveProfile

LiveProfile is as good as BBM & is portable for all Platforms like: Andriod, Blackberry, Ipad and Iphone. You can communicate and ping other Devices with wonderful chat Interface.



1) Clear mobile chat - LiveProfile provides a very  lovely background to chat you would kill for..

2) Real Chatting interface like Blackberry Messenger

3) You can share files like you do on Whatapp and Blackberry Messenger, i.e; Videos, Recorded Sounds, Music e.t.c.

4) LiveProfile has Pin just like BBM and other apps, you can share your pin with your friends and chat without restriction... oh, less i forget please recharge your phone. lol

You can visit to download this App on your Mobile and feel the groove....

Before the week runs out, i'll get the LiveProfile App installed on my Phone and i'll share my LiveProfile Pin with you all so, we can hook up better. But, please don't forget to like our Facebook Fan Page.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

How To Edit Your Blog Easily With The New Blogger Template Editor

The  Latest Blogger  Editor [Template] now have some changes that's quite easier  to use than it used to be.
The images below clearly shows  the template coding from the  numbered & colorful decorated lines displaying different coded snippets. The CSS, JavaScript, HTML -  b:if, include, and various displays.

blogger template, blogger tricks, blogger widgets

From now onwards, editting your template will be stressfree and easier to locate anything easily this    applies to CSS too, that appears in  differentiating rules & selectors.

One useful help with this new and advanced template are number which displays just in front of every of template code,  we'll be able to easily locate & change mistakes of different types.

How To Use The New Blogger Template HTML Editor

If you are about to search or locate  a tag just in your HTML Editor, just  click inside your Editor & tap the search key on your PC and then enter what you'll like to locate anything in your Template Editor.

Now,  just tap the enter on your PC & it should take you directly to the tag you requested.

Maybe, you may like to be redirected to the point of tag that is for a  widget,  you can just click  "JUMP TO WIDGET" bar of your template  editor and select the html's tag using the list & you will be redirected to that section of code.

You can see from below how the CSS is shown in a folded format

Just Another lovely function is the ability to "Preview Template" without leaving the template page & we can go back with ease to modify our template to our taste.
Lastly, Format template can help re-order the code.

With this little Tip, we can now easy use the Newly Advanced Blogger Template with ease and no qualms at all. You can also check out; How to apply Google+ commenting system to Our Blog.


Active-Password Changer is  a software developed for changing or resetting Computer local admin and user password in lieu of a missing Administrator's ­ password  or where a password can't be recalled. So many even  Format / Re-install  PC to regain their system. Using
Active-Password Changer you won't have have to worry about a thing, but before we continue i'll like you to also check our previous tutorial: HOW TO MAKE YOUR WINDOWS 7 GENUINE EASILY


Read more at:
Copyright © Nairotech

Read more at:
Copyright © Nairotech

Using Active-Password Changer one can use the login feature as  user with a blank password whenever you've lostyour Computer Password.

You can Download Active@ Password Changer Here [10.4 MB]

 See The Features of Active@ Password Changer :

→  Helps Recovers passwords from various sections & hard diskdrives

→ Help  Displays and Detects all Microsoft Security Databases

→ Help Displays all users

→ Shows full information for all user

→  Help Resets administrator's ­/Users password

→ Also Disables  Smart Login Card  Feature

→ This software Can work on bootable floppy, USB Flash

Windows Disk Creator lets you get bootable disks  using various formats

→ It aids large hard drives 

→ It Supports  SATA ATA

Hope this helps!

Friday, 3 May 2013


Checking the Nigerian statistics we will find that it's quite difficult to see someone  with a windows 7 that is Genuine and we know quit well that  the cost  of a buying  windows 7 that is genuine is on a high range, so i find that people prefer using the trial version of a windows 7. Of recent we talked about:
HOW TO EXTRACT TEXTS FROM IMAGES WITH MS OFFICE ONENOTE  so, make sure check out that tutorial too to know how to extract/retrieve text from any image of your choice. Ok, back to the matter.....



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Read more at:
Copyright © Nairotech

Add caption

Somany users of windows 7 categorically have  experienced error messages saying: Windows 7 is not Genuine.  The error info displays if  likely you use a pirated version

Using windows 7 is currently not genuine that why we have decided to come come up with this vital tutorial on nairotech, though windows 8 is currently available. so, we'll be posting stuffs and tutorials on windows 8 anytime soon.

Ok, this Tutorual will teach you how you can make your windows 7 genuine using command prompt.


→  Click windows button and R "
 → A  box will show up , In the "run" box that displays type CMD, then Press OK

N/B: "CMD" should be run as  an Administrator a  prompt will show-up, just type SLMGR -REARM and then Hit the Enter button.


Now, Wait 7-12 seconds  and Link image below will show up.


Bravoo!!! You can now Restart your computer now to see the effect live.....  No more complaints again...

Enjoy your PC now...

Please, always use the comment Box and the share buttons, who knows your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ might need this Tutorial too..