Saturday, 1 June 2013

GTBank Named 2013 African Bank Of The Year

The award recognizes financial institutions that have emerged as industry leaders and continent trend setters, due to good corporate governance practices, exceptional service delivery within the financial services industry of their country and innovative products.

Chief Executive Officer of Guaranty Trust Bank PLC, Mr Segun Agbaje attributed the recognition to hard work, discipline and a well-defined operating strategy.

Last year, the bank was named the best bank in Nigeria by the Euro Money magazine for the fourth consecutive year while it earned the 2011 Best Bank in Nigeria award from EMEA finance.

Guaranty Trust Bank also emerged as the first Nigerian financial institution to cross the N100 billion profit before tax milestone from operations at both bank and group levels.

What is blogger and how you can create a blogger blog?

According to the Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, Blogger is:
"A Web site launched in 1999 from Pyra Labs, San Francisco, CA ( that provides the tools for creating blogs (Weblogs). After users select a pre-designed template or create one with their look and feel, every posting entered on Blogger is published to the Blogger page on their Web site automatically. In early 2003, Blogger was acquired by Google. "

So, in simple terms, Blogger is a free site where you can make blogs (a kind of sites) where you can write about everything you want - from personal life to discussing about your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest.

How to create a blogger blog?
Go to homepage and click on the "Get Started" button

blogger tricks, tips, create a blog

Enter your Gmail acount details (your gmail address and pasword) and then press "Sign in"

blogger, create blog, web design

Enter the name you want to appear on your blog - check the "Agree to Terms and Conditions"

Click on the "New Blog" button
web hosting, forum, design, blogger blogspot

Enter your blog title and the address of your new blog, choose a template (Simple Template is more easily to customize, so i recommend you to choose this one) then click on "Create Blog!"

Your Blog has been created, you can start blogging.

Read Also:
             How To Edit Your Blog Easily With The New Blogger Template Editor 
          How to Backup/Restore Template in the new blogger interface | NairotechBlog  


It's quite Frustrating having  Multiple Users(Facebook Users)  Inboxing You [Inbox Conversation].
 You might just wake up one morning to find yourself among 400+ Other Facebook Users in a Group Conversation that you did not Request for! Every Minute you see New Inbox Notification, only to find out its still from that same Message you just Finish Reading! OMG....

I am always angry anytime i experience such Problem and Infact More Angry when i Remember Facebook has no Solution to that Problem, Now the Problem is Over. Lets Go!

  1. You must be Logged in to Facebook on PC or Bolt Browser on Phone to Remove yourself.
2. Open that Particular Conversation Message from your Inbox.
3. Click on the Action button at the top right corner of the Page and Click the Leave Conversation option from the drop-down.

4. You are Out of the Sh!t and you can now enjoy yourself.


To hide files on a blackberry is not a big deal. But people go extra miles, spend time, cause unnecessary problems like mistakenly locking up apps. To hide files is very easy and you don't need apps to do it. I'll take this in 2 ways, follow these simple steps :

METHOD 1: (Hiding from being visible in the media app):

1- Open media
2- Press menu and scroll to explore. Select
3- On the desired file, press menu and scroll to 'rename'

4- Rename the file extension e.g 'jpg' to anything you like. You can use 'jpgZ'
This way the phone asks you if you're sure of your action as it may 'render your file unusable'. Just choose 'ok'. By doing this, your files will not be visible in the media player.

METHOD 2: (Hiding from being visible in the file explorer):

To hide files and folders
1- Go to media
2- Scroll to the desired file or folder
3- Press 'menu', scroll to 'properties' and click
4- Scroll down and tick 'Hidden'
5- Close.
This method hides your files and folders from even the inbuilt explorer.
NOTE: Try to backup your file before trying this.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Here Are The Steps JAMB Is Taking To Curb Examination Malpractices - Ojerinde

THE Registrar, Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Professor ’Dibu Ojerinde Friday explained that the use of Computer Based Testing in Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) was aimed at checking examination malpractices in Nigeria.

The don gave the reason while delivering a lecture entitled ‘Classical Test Theory (CTT) versus Item Response Theory (IRT): An evaluation of the comparability of item analysis results’ at the Instituteof education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.

He said: “I introduced Computed Based Testing (CBT) because I thinkwe can curb examination malpractices”. Another reason for the initiative, according to him, was the need to go the way of the world.

”Everybody is going technological and if Nigeria decided not to join, I’m sorry we will be left behind, so we should do CBT. It is the answerto exam malpractices,”he clarified.

Professor Ojerinde further said, “This year, we used 98 vehicles to carry question papers from Abuja to all parts of the country. Consider the danger, the risk, the life, enough is enough”.

He assured that the period of carrying question papers to centres from one end to another was over.

Ojerinde said, “In three minutes, we could send our questions from Abuja to wherever is going to be. We’re going to do it in UK, Jedda and anywhere throughout the world. I’ve not seen any other examination body in Africa that has done what we have done in JAMB on CBT.”

He admonished that attention should be focused on development of the child instead of the examination adding, “let us now look at the kids who are doing the examination and let us measure their abilities rather than measuring the ability of the test.”

Source:- VanguardNGR

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


The BlackBerry Absolute, BlackBerry Complete and BlackBerry 10 Bundles are part of a bouquet of innovative Value Added Services specially designed to enrich the lives of our customers. These BlackBerry packages are targeted at customers who desire flexibility in their BlackBerry usage.

BBOS Plans

N1, 500 Monthly BIS
N599 Weekly BBWEEK
N120 Daily BBDAY
N1000 Monthly BBC
N499 Weekly BBCWEEK
N100 Daily BBCDAY
BlackBerry 10 Plans Service Validity Inclusive Data Price Activation Code (SMS) Activation Code (USSD) Benefits
BB10 Maxi Monthly 1.5GB N3,000 Text BBMAXIM to 21600 *216*15# BBM, Internet access, Social Networking, Emails, BlackBerry App world
Weekly 350MB N1,100 Text BBMAXIW to 21600 *216*14#
Daily 50MB N200 Text BBMAXID to 21600 *216*13#
BB10 Midi Monthly 500MB N1,500 Text BBMIDIM to 21600 *216*12#
Weekly 125MB N550 Text BBMIDIW to 21600 *216*11#
Daily 15MB N100 Text BBMIDID to 21600 *216*10#
BB10 Lite Monthly 260MB N1,000 Text BBLITEM to 21600 *216*9#
Weekly 70MB N350 Text BBLITEW to 21600 *216*8#
Daily 10MB N70 Text BBLITED to 21600 *216*7#
Click Here to view BlackBerry® Devices | Click here to learn more about FAQ on Blackberry
Please dial *123# OR Call 180 to find out how to get on any of our BlackBerry® plans.

To check expiry date of your BlackBerry® Service, simply text "STATUS" to "21600"

Blackberry Tips

  • Battery Life: Largest draw on battery life is the transmitter and the backlight, so if you are transmitting a lot, you can expect reduced battery life.
  • Maximize your Home Screen: The home screen of the BlackBerry is where you spend most of your time. There are several websites where free themes can be downloaded. You can start by searching
  • Software Upgrade: log on to and select the software that suits your device

BLACKBERRY USER GUIDE- Helping you to get more from your BlackBerry® from MTN
Setting up personal email accounts on the device

Customers with Blackberry devices; 8700,8100,8300,8320 and 8820 need to use the Email Settings iconto set up their emails. Customers with devices; 8520, 8900, 9000, 9700, 9500s, 9630, 9650s and 9800 to click on the Setup Icon on the phone menu to access the Email Settings.
Note: If the email settings icon is not available, customers should enter the link; from their browser to access the email settings.

Switching Devices and Validating Email Accounts
A customer that changes his/her BlackBerry® device has to follow the following steps to start receiving mails on the device.

  • On the BlackBerry® device, open the Setup Folder or access the URL
  • Click on Email Settings
  • If prompted, enter your login Username and Password and Log in
  • Click on your Validate beside your email address and enter password
  • Click on Next. Your emails will start dropping almost immediately.

Blackberry Browser/ WAP
There are two browsers on the BlackBerry® device namely; Internet and WAP browsers.
Note: The internet browser is free to access nearly all websites without extra charges. A data Intensive site like YouTube attracts additional data charges. The WAP browser is charged for browsing most sites because it's the operator browser on the device.
Customer should make the Internet Browser their default by following the following steps;

  • Click on the Option Icon and select Advanced options
  • Select Browser and change to Internet browser and Save
Service Books
When your emails are not dropping on your BB device, you may need to resend service books to the device. The following steps are required.
Step 1: Hard Reset

  • Remove battery from the device while it's on
  • Replace battery and let the device reboot
Step 2: Register on Network: (If step1 did not solve issue)

  • From the device go to Options
  • Select Advanced Options
  • Select Host Routing Table
  • Click on Menu, then Register Now
Step 3: Send Service Books: (If step 3 did not solve issue)

  • Click on the Email settings or log on to
  • Click Help on the left hand side under settings.
  • Click the link to resend the service book

Source: Mtn Nigeria

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


I am posting this Tutorial because i have also encountered difficulty in configuring a friend's phone [ HTC SMARTPHONE] - Caleb Amosu..... Since 2009 i started configuring phones and pc to browse i have always succeeded but, when i came in contact with HTC SMARTPHONES   then, i knew their was!
 While doing my daily online research, just saw a solution to this issue/challenge and i've so far decided to share with you all... Please, bear in mind i have not tried or confirmed it if probably it'll work but from the little knowledge i've acquired so far on NETWORK CONFIGURATION SETTINGS, it should work..

So, without taking much of your time, lets quickly or should i say hurriedly proceed to the next step on how to manually configure your HTC SMARTPHONE.. Please, follow the steps i am about to give without mistakes to ensure your phone is well configured and if by chance you don't understand... #GuessYouKnowWhat ToDo--- Use the comment box.. Ok, lets Ride..


                      HOW DO I CONFIGURE MY HTC SMARTPHONE ?

Step One:      Locate your mobile  MENU -> SETTINGS ->  CONNECTIONS -> LOCATE GPRS, & Click on MENU to add new settings just as stated below:-

  •  Connects To  => The INTERNET
  •  Access point=> etisalat 
  • Username=> wap
  • Pasword=> wap

  • Authentication Type -> Chap 
  • Primary DNS & Secondary DNS => insert any working IP or or After that, just click Done to save your work.

  •   Next, is to move to no. 6 proxy, then click on 'ADD NEW' again to complete configuration
just like the below stated:
  •   Connects From => WAP NETWORK 
Connects To=> The Internet ( as usual)

Proxy (name: port) = 80 OR 9201

 Type => WAP * Username and Password=  'wap' then click Done also.
  •   NEXT, Goto your web browser which is INTERNET EXPLORER, press your right button MENU, scroll down to TOOLS  -> OPTIONS -> click on ' CONNECTIONS, Mark or tick ' AUTHOMATICALLY DETECT SETTINGS
  • Select Network=> The Internet. After that, launch out your Internet explorer, download Operamini compatible or that suites or fits your smartphones

 Configuration Name: MTN WEB


APN ( Access Point Network) :

Username And Password: web & web 

PORT: 80 or 8080


If you are using a different network and you are having issues configuring your HTC SMARTPHONE, then you can make use of the comment box for more help... Have a  nice day!