Twitter 140 Characters Limit when Composing New Tweet can be very annoying, Actually, It teaches users how to Abbreviate and Manage little spaces for Content irregardless of what you want to Type, So if you are the Type that Want To type much Longer Words than the 140 Allowed Characters on Twitter, Then this Tutorial is for You.
Though Most Users on Nairotech already know about this but for the sake of those who are requesting for it, We decided to Publish it.
Writelonger allow you to Post More than 140 Characters to Twitter when Composing a New Tweet or Other Writings, This Means you can Post Longer Tweets on Twitter when others are not allowed to Post more than 140 Characters.
1. Its very Simple, Just Visit , Click on the "Sign in with Twitter/OAuth" Link and Login with your Twitter Username and Password. They don't store your Information, So you're 100% safe.
2. You will be Logged in and can now Update your Status, If you don't have any Twitter App Installed on your Device, You can use their Website to Use Twitter.. Its very Simple to use and Understand. You will love it.
You can Check Post that you're Mentioned in, Check Trending Topics, Upload Images easily, Flip your Updates and Many More.
Enjoy hassle free Tweeting for with excellent services offered by Writelonger. Click on the Share/Like Button if you like this Post.